Sunday, June 16, 2013

What I'm Into at the Moment (Plus A Musing)

It's always great to take stock of what makes you happy. However,  interests can be fleeting, by nature of the fact that we're exposed to a variety of ideas (online articles and intellectual properties, for instance) and material goods on a daily basis via social media and our friends and family. The point is, it's okay if we're quixotic when it comes to what captures our imagination or appeals to our sense of beauty. As I was recently flipping through my journal, I came across an entry that I wrote a few months ago in which I discussed why I found the concept of moments inherently appealing. I described how a moment can span a few seconds, or even a few years (a moment in our lives). Therefore, moment can be used in place of period, i.e. this is what I loved during this period of time, this is who I was back then.

We often fear time. We worry about it running out or escaping us, about wasting what we view as such an invaluable resource. What ultimately matters, though, is how we fill our time. What occupies our hours? If we find that what we're doing is fulfilling or enriching, it is not a waste. This is a concept that I have struggled to accept. It's easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others, to berate yourself for "not doing enough." Considering that my interests tend toward the creative (read: writing), I often take time to brainstorm ideas before rolling up my sleeves and delving into the creative process. Although writers find ways to procrastinate, to put off practicing their craft for fear of not being good enough, it can help in the long run if I gather my thoughts beforehand, so I don't find myself staring at an intimidatingly blank Word document. While many are proponents of "being in the moment" and "focusing on the now," sometimes it is beneficial to take a moment out of our hectic schedules to partake in the art of list-making. Writing down the thoughts that are clouding up our minds—even if they are positive—can be refreshing. There is something satisfying about seeing the tangibility of the ink or pencil on paper. Although it's not the most cheerful analogy, you could view paper as a cage for your thoughts, a means to capture and display what you're thinking. Whether I jot down ideas for a novel or take a few minutes to appreciate what brings a smile to my face at this point in the year, at this specific point in my life, the process is fulfilling because it brings me joy. The lists remind me of where I've been—and where I'm going.

On that note, here is a list of what I'm lovin' at the moment:

Foxes (photographs, artwork, and clothes, oh my)...

Fresh berries (plain, on pancakes, in cereal)...

Honey (I love spooning it onto my Greek yogurt)...

Clouds (ideal to stare off into when daydreaming)...

Quirky, whimsical pictures...

Cute boxes and tins (for cookies, candy, or knickknacks)...

What do you love right now?

Images all found on Tumblr.

1 comment:

  1. Would you like to follow each other? Follow me and I will follow you back (Just leave me a message)
