Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's Time for...A Happiness List!

Considering that Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I thought I'd compile another list of things I'm lovin', because the moments at which you are happy should be treasured. As the adage goes, happiness is not a place - it's a journey. It comes and goes fleetingly, and it is not someplace you reside. I'm definitely thankful for all the little things in my life that bring me happiness.

Sweet Treats:
Dark Chocolate Hershey's Kisses!
Java Chip Frappuchinos!

...For National French Week!
...For the holidays!

Cheesy Goodness:
Panera Mac and Cheese!
Feta...great in salads!
YA Romance/Dystopian Novels:
Intrigue, romance, and a dystopian society...aboard a spaceship!
A sweet romance with a likable, film-savvy protagonist and a hot French/American love interest!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some Thoughts on Being True to Yourself

Though in many ways, each year - each moment of our lives, really - has a profound impact on who we are, there is always that essential aspect of ourselves that never changes. For example, we may have the inclination to be as kind as possible to others, or to have an overall optimistic outlook. Personally, I know that I have become more competitive over the past few years in high school. It's almost inevitable when the importance of scores, grades, and whatnot gets drilled into your head. As a result, I developed the tendency to doubt myself, for fear of messing up, and to constantly compare my abilities to the abilities of others. As my mom recently told me, I used to be spunkier and much more sure of my self. No, I haven't lost sight of who I am. I'm perpetually changing, just as everyone around me is, affected by the experiences, extraordinary and mundane, that shape who I am. However, I need to trust myself more, especially as I make the transition to adulthood. Though I've matured, I've lost confidence. However, the non-material things that make me who I am, such as my passion for writing, will never vanish. Beneath the trials and tribulations of a teenage girl about to embark on an adventurous new stage of life, there exists an open mind, as well as a strong heart and an indelible soul. Ultimately, I know who I am, and I have to make an effort to embrace that essential, precious "me"-ness and not suppress it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Always find a reason to smile...

...even when you are completely bogged down by stress (either of your own accord or inflicted upon you by others). It gets better. The moment is only for now. Still, you shouldn't live your life for the future. Find joy, even when you just want to pull at your hair, bite your nails, scream. We're all human. While life is what we make it, life is generally not a string of perfect days. There is good with the bad and bad with the good. Sometimes we just need to focus a little more on the good.