Friday, September 16, 2011

10 Ways to Keep Stress Under Control

I've only been in school for two weeks, and my life is hectic once again! There are piles of homework, on top of the college app process, as well as extracurriculars (Pep Band and Newspaper). I can't believe how quickly my level of stress has increased since summer vacation ended. This post is as much a reminder to me is it is to you! So, here's a little guide to coping with stress, taking a deep breath, and relaxing, despite the pressure. Life is all about balance, about "learning to dance in the rain." While we all have obligations, we all need a little down time now and then. So...

...Brew a cup of your favorite flavor of tea, or a flavor known to be relaxing, like chamomile.

...Take a break from studying by listening to your favorite songs, or play music quietly while you work.
...Stay organized! Keep your workspace clean, and keep track of important dates, etc.
...Spend some time with a good book. While required reading can be interesting, reading for pleasure shouldn't be forgotten.
...Be efficient. Complete assignments, or start them, at least, as soon as you get them. This way, you won't constantly be scrambling to finish something.
...Take a salt bath. Morton Salt works just as well as the fancier scented varieties.
...Make time for friends. You are not alone, not matter how overwhelming life can seem. We all have to deal with the journey, and the ups and downs.
...Doodle. Or freewrite. Make lists, and illustrate them. Let your artistic spirit soar.
...Take time to cook - or bake - something yummy for the people you care about.
...Make sure to get enough sleep. We all function better when we're well-rested. While it can be hard for students, due to a heavy workload, we all should get as much sleep as possible.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

By Request... A recipe follow-up!

Chocolate Chip Pound Cake (Cupcake Variation)

1/4 lb butter
1/2 lb cream cheese
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 eggs, unbeaten
2 cups sifted flour, less a tbsp.
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1 bag chocolate chips (12 oz.) - You could also use miniature chocolate  chips, considering how small the cupcakes are.

Cream butter and cream cheese. Add remaining ingredients, except chocolate chips. Mix well. Sprinkle chocolate chips with tbsp. of flour and stir into batter. Line mini cupcake tin with cupcake liners (my tin made 24 cupcakes). Note: The batter yields 48 cupcakes (well, more or less, depending on how it is distributed - I made it work for the tin that I owned). Bake 25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This time is an approximation; the original recipe called for a 1 hour bake time. Let the cupcakes cool, and enjoy!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I baked... Mini chocolate chip cupcakes!

Adapted from a loaf cake recipe. 
It was a cream cheese pound cake recipe.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Helllllloooooo September

I can't believe August's over at last! Fall - and cooler weather - are looming around the corner, and for students the new academic year is beginning. With summer coming to a close, and the season soon to change, life's practically presenting a clean slate. Forget New Year's resolutions; now is the time for change. And to bring change, no matter how minimal, or beneficial, to my own life, I've hopped on the art journal bandwagon. I took a plain Staples notebook and went to town with scrapbook paper, scissors, and glue. The "Zoe" was purchased from A.C. Moore, and is made of felt. I used the felt flowers as the dots over the e.

The cover!
A peek inside...
The back cover!
Keep track of your inspiration, and...