Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saying "Yes"

I need to say "yes" in life far more frequently than I do. While I wouldn't willingly call myself lazy, I often become discouraged with my abilities and with myself. For example, if my dad asks me if I'd like to practice driving, my first instinct is to say "no." I'm not afraid of being behind the wheel, but apprehensive, because I will constantly think, before any other thought enters my mind, that I will not be successful in my endeavors. This thought is not at all rational. With practice comes improvement, and then mastery. To be blunt, I'm disinclined to really live to the fullest because of my self-deprecating inhibitions. I put things off, irrationally thinking that procrastination will provide me with the courage and confidence I do not currently possess.

If I said "yes" more often, I would have fewer regrets in life. Even if it's saying "yes" to working on/completing school work right now. Any practice of affirmative thinking would be beneficial. No, this does not mean agreeing to engage in precarious, risky behavior. It means diving into life head-first, and leaving tentative habits in the past. It means choosing to do something in this moment and sticking with that choice. 

I vow, in the upcoming year - wait, better - this instant, to live in the moment and strive towards a more positive lifestyle. No more comparing my abilities with the abilities of others. I am a unique, strong individual with so many wondrous, unknown adventures and opportunities ahead of me, and I will no longer let negativity and second-guessing rule my life.

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