Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things come together...things fall apart.

It's almost incredible how we change as people each year, and how the world around us changes. The world is a water color painting, though sometimes the colors blur. There are moments when we are strong as the trees that provide a green tinge to our worldly backdrop. At other moments, we are far more fragile. Everything we experience shapes us. It's one of the wonders of being human, I suppose - that astounding capacity for resilience that gets us along the bumps and curves that make up the paths of our lives. Well, I suppose it would be rude it ignore the fact that yes, all creatures, big and small, have learned to adapt. But as I've never had the pleasure to live a day as a frog or a falcon, I can only vouche for what it's like to be a person. And more specifically, a teenage person.

Life is often a precarious balancing act. We have to juggle work and play, and deal with the curve balls that life throws us. Curve balls often as sharp as glass. Nothing in life is a guarentee. Though I have much more to experience, I've had my fair share of coping - when a relative passed away, when my plans didn't work get the picture. There are moments when you feel as though your world is a enigmatic puzzle, and you're scrambling to make the pieces fit together. In other moments (of greater clarity) you can see the big picture. Rarely will your world end. There may be moments when you're blinded by the darkness of despair, but in these moments, it's best to be illuminated by remembrance of those fragments of time, however few and far between they may be, when all is right, calm, and peaceful.

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