Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekends Are for Inspiration

What have I been up to lately? Well, aside from all of the end-of-the-semester work that teachers always manage to cram in, I've been reading more, going to the movies, trying on Mom's vintage sweaters, taking pictures... You know - the little things in life one should always make time for, the brief forays into realities other than your own. It's when you find the perfect balance between work and play that you can find beauty, find the infinities, in the smallest, quietest moments. (Pictures don't belong to me unless stated.)

Romance and Rippermania...couldn't put it down!
Tragic. Beautiful. Just incredible.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close...go see it!
Poignant and powerful.
There's something inherently magical in realizing how we're all connected.
Sheep sweater from the '80s...apparently others saved this same sweater. Found it on Google Images.
Button-down wool sweater.
An homage to the snow that was...

Taken last Sunday.
View from the living room.
How have you been spending your weekends? And what has been inspiring you lately?

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