Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Little Bout of Boredom

Lately, I've been feeling a bit lonely. I mean, I have a few close friends and others who I could chat with. However, nobody's schedules seem to align anymore. And thus, I find myself seated up in my bedroom, with only my laptop for company. I've attempted to make plans, but it's hard when friends go to schools that end on different days, others don't know when they'll be free because of their job hours, you get the gist. I really don't have grounds to be complaining, considering I am departing for one of the greatest cities in the world in A WEEK AND A HALF, and opportunities for social interactions with like-minded artsy/nerdy/totally awesome individuals my own age will be quite abundant.

Also, I suppose it honestly doesn't matter how often I see my friends as long as I am happy. The internet is a veritable compendium of knowledge, and I use it to feed the impulses of my inner journalist. (Seriously, I consider looking up facts and information a little hobby of mine.) My mom says I shouldn't be sitting on my butt all day and getting lost in cyberspace and day dreams. Her suggestions were to take the initiative to clean the house (productive, yes, fun...that's iffy), get in the habit of cooking regularly, and be more creative. Funny enough, I thought to do these things before I discussed my bout of boredom with her. I never take my own advice often enough.

To quote a nifty t-shirt I once spotted, "Stop b*tchin', start a revolution." Albeit, a personal revolution. I am a creature of creative habit, and if I feel the need to express my creativity, I should not repress it. A few days ago, I was still stressing over my last final exam. Now, I can breathe. Sometimes it's the hardest to get through those in-between times. School's out, yet I'm stuck home for 10 days. I might as well make the best of it, and really take my own advice into consideration.

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