Monday, May 16, 2011

Penguin Cloth-bound Classics...among some of the neat items that Anthropologie sells. These are the children's editions, such as Peter Pan and Anne of Green Gables. I adore the colors!

These books are also a throwback to the simplistic days of childhood, where adventure truly seemed to be just a page-turn away. As we grow older, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that books will always be an escape if we let ourselves be swept away by the whimsy of a far-fetched tale. Life can be pretty dull if we don't exercise our imaginations in a while. Sometimes, they just need a good stretch. If you're feeling really down in the dumps, why not pick up a book you loved as a child? Not only can reality be exhausting; it can be just plain boring. Not to mention that actual trips to far-off places are quite pricey in today's economy. You may not be able to afford to visit an actual castle, but you sure have the freedom to read about one.

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